Daniel Snyder attends Washington’s preseason opener at New England

The next time the NFL says that owners are held to the same standards as players, remember this: Washington owner Daniel Snyder is attending tonight’s preseason opener at New England. Team president Jason Wright posted a photo from Gillette Stadium including Snyder, who has “voluntarily” relinquished control of the team to his wife in the [more]

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Field of Dreams: Ray Liotta recalls making the movie 33 years before the Yankees and White Sox take the field

Go back 33 years with Ray Liotta to see how a small farm town in Iowa became the center of the baseball world for one summer. Plus, Alex Rodriguez, Frank Thomas, and David Ortiz share their memories of the movie ahead of the highly-anticipated Field of Dreams game between the New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox.

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Emmanuel Acho: Dak Prescott’s second MRI tells me Dallas either misconstrued or misjudged the injury I SPEAK FOR YOURSELF

The Dallas Cowboys have limited Dak Prescott’s throws and there have not been any setbacks on his rehabilitation timeline. However, Dak said that he plans to get a second MRI when the team returns to Dallas this weekend. The Cowboys tweeted out the news yesterday, saying quote: ‘It’s not a setback. And it’s not a reason to worry. But QB Dak Prescott is planning on getting another MRI.’ Emmanuel Acho explains why it’s a huge deal to him that Dak is getting a second MRI on his shoulder.

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