Aaron Hernandez's hidden sexuality fueled the murder of Odin Lloyd, police sources say

On April 19, sometime before 3 a.m., Aaron Hernandez, the former star New England Patriots tight end, scrawled three notes—one to his fiancé, the mother of his little girl, one to that daughter and a third to his close prison friend—and placed them next to a Bible in his solitary prison cell in the Souza Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, Mass. The Bible was opened to a section of the New Testament, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life.” He had scrawled that verse on his forehead with red ink, and also made marks on his hands and feet with that red pen, as though mimicking the stigmata associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Then the 27-year-old former NFL star serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for murder, jammed the track of his cell door with cardboard to prevent guards from coming in, slicked the floor with liquid soap and shampoo (which investigators believe he did to make it harder for him to back out in case he lost his nerve), wrapped his bed sheet around his neck multiple times and then tied one end of it to a bar on the window of his cell.

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Eli Manning on fraud allegations: I’ve done nothing wrong

The Giants released a statement through their law firm last week saying that an email released by the attorney for the plaintiffs in a lawsuit accusing Manning of passing along memorabilia fraudulently described as game-used was “taken out of context.” Manning responded to the accusations himself on Thursday. The quarterback said that his track record speaks for itself and said that he was angry that people have “turned” on him because of the allegations leveled in the suit. “I have never done what I’ve been accused of doing,” Manning said, via Ralph Vacchiano of SNY. “I’m more angry than anything. I’ve done nothing wrong and I’m still being attacked.” The Giants, their equipment manager and

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Will Smith death: Man who killed NFL star sentenced to 25 years

“My family and I are extremely disappointed with today’s sentencing and the leniency showed by Judge Buras for the defendant. While we know nothing will ever bring Will back, we were hopeful that Judge Buras would have issued a stronger sentence to more justly reflect both the nature of the crimes and the tremendous loss and pain that my family has suffered as a result of Mr. Hayes’ violent actions on the night of April 9, 2016. “This ordeal has been a nightmare for me and my family. There are no winners here today. Today’s sentencing does not bring back Will and leaves another child to grow up without a father. I pray for the other families of New Orleans that are dealing with the same tragedy

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