Fired Kentucky state worker sent personal mails to women

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) A former University of Kentucky basketball player was fired from his job in the state’s Labor Cabinet last month after sending personal emails from his government computer to women who work in the cabinet, commenting in his messages on their appearance and calling one ”too hot to trot.”

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Witness: Exec said Qatar had up to $15M available for bribes

NEW YORK (AP) The former president of Colombia’s soccer federation testified Monday that a sports marketing executive told him up to $15 million in bribe money was available for South American officials from Qatari interests ahead of the FIFA executive committee vote to decide the site of the 2022 World Cup.

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Walkthru: Steelers game about Bengals reconnecting with a fan base

Walkthru looks at the opportunity on Monday Night Football for a team and its fans, plus, life of the running game, live BBP Thursday, Jeremy Hill spills his thoughts, snap analysis and PJ Monday. The Walkthru is a daily look at the Bengals, your questions and whatever else spills from the brains of

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