The Mad King of Juice: Inside the Dysfunctional Origins of Juicero

Juicero began in secret. The startup, a sort of Keurig for cold-pressed plant-water—which made headlines for the $120 million in venture capital it secured from the likes of Google and Kleiner-Perkins between 2013 and 2015, and again when it announced its wi-fi-connected countertop appliance would cost a jaw-dropping…

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Let's Remember Chris Cornell's Tirade About The Sonics Leaving Seattle

Grunge icon Chris Cornell died Wednesday night in Detroit at the age of 52. Cornell founded Soundgarden in the ‘80s and helped the Seattle grunge scene take over American rock music over the next decade. He was as essential as anyone in kicking off that movement, and remained active long after Soundgarden broke up the…

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Tactical Spork Deal. I Repeat: Tactical Spork Deal. 

I know this “tactical spork” is designed for camping, but if I owned one, I’d probably use it at home on a regular basis. The best part is undoubtedly the hidden knife that uses the spork handle as a sheath, but the $6 price tag is a close second. Just don’t try to bring it on an airplane.

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I'm Sorry To Report That Roger Ailes Ever Lived

Inevitably, in the torrent of obituaries to come, someone will recite a list of Roger Ailes’s personal failings, repugnant views, and malignant actions, but then be sure to credit him with having been a brilliant provocateur or a visionary broadcaster or some shit. “For better or worse,” they will preface it.…

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Gizmodo All the Crazy Shit We Learned About the Trump Regime While You Were Asleep | Steamed Thousan

Gizmodo All the Crazy Shit We Learned About the Trump Regime While You Were Asleep | Steamed Thousands Of People Are ‘Playing’ A Hidden Steam Game | Foxtrot Alpha The Israeli Spy That Trump Burned Was The Single ‘Most Valuable Source’ On ISIS Plots | Lifehacker I Bought a Pair of Overalls and Now I Will Never Wear…

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