Scott Boras Wouldn't Advise California Players To Seek Early Free Agency

Yesterday, we considered the legal viability of baseball players using Section 2855 of the California Labor Code to enter free agency early. The state law stipulates that employees cannot be held to contracts of longer than seven years; over at FanGraphs, Nathaniel Grow speculated that Mike Trout—and other California…

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Intelligence Agencies: Russia Hacked DNC In Part Because WADA Exposed Russian Doping Scheme

United States intelligence agencies believe that Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking of the Democratic National Committee in part because he believed the doping scandal that led to hundreds of Russian athletes missing the 2016 Summer Olympics was an American operation, according to a newly…

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Joe Mixon's Agent Says Video Of His Client Punching A Woman Can Be "An Educational Tool" 

Joe Mixon’s agent, Peter Schaffer, went on 98.1 FM in Oklahoma City today and the session on the Monster of the Midday got contentious pretty quickly. It included a long diatribe from Schaffer about how his client had learned from what he did and was no different than any other 18 year old who made a mistake, and…

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