Shane Doan Is A Little Tired Of Seeing The Coyotes Give Up 

It is an axiom that hockey players rarely have anything interesting to say. Especially once they’ve been around as long as Coyotes captain Shane Doan, they’ve mastered the ability to engage autopilot and just spout a beige stream of bromides until the reporters haranguing them for quotes have filled their notebook or…

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Report: Alberto Salazar Had Nike Runners Abuse Prescription Meds And Break Anti-Doping Rules

England’s The Sunday Times reports that they have seen a document prepared by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) detailing use of the legal amino acid L-carnitine in “sometimes potentially unlawful” ways by British Olympian Mo Farah and six American members of the Nike Oregon Project—under the direction of…

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Let's Talk About All The Amazing Little Details In Get Out

I saw Get Out yesterday afternoon, and then I spent the next eight hours or so thinking and talking about Get Out. The only review of the movie I will offer is this: Go see this goddamn movie as soon as possible, whether or not you like horror flicks. I don’t really want to spend any time reviewing the movie because…

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The Ben Bishop Trade Is Startlingly Smart

The first reactions to Sunday’s Ben Bishop trade were naturally along the lines of What the hell? Bishop, probably the best goalie in Tampa Bay Lightning history, is headed to a Kings team that only the day before got back its own franchise goalie, Jonathan Quick, after a four-month injury rehab. But there’s logic to…

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