Another Title IX Official At Baylor Says She Quit Because Working There Was Hell

A second woman whose job at Baylor was to investigate reports of rape has spoken to ESPN’s Outside the Lines. Like Patty Crawford, the previous Title IX official who talked after leaving Baylor, Gabrielle Lyons describes a bleak situation, one that made her so paranoid she dreamed about rape. Lyons said that the…

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At the Last Minute, Trump Asks Nuclear Safety Administrator to Stick Around After All

After weeks of silence and uncertainty, the agency responsible for ensuring the safety of our nuclear arsenal finally has an answer to the question of who exactly is in charge under President Trump. Last night, just hours before Trump was to be sworn in, his transition team finally asked Under Secretary for Nuclear…

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The Steelers Are The First Real Test For An Underrated Patriots Defense

We’ve arrived at another conference championship weekend featuring the Patriots. They still have Bill Belichick, and they still Tawmmy Whatshisnuts, same as it ever was. And this year they’re packing the NFL’s best defense in terms of points per game allowed. As they prepare to host the Steelers and their…

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Caleb Ewan Is Ready To Be A Star

The first race of the road cycling season, Australia’s Tour Down Under, tends to be an imprecise predictor of future form for climbers and all-rounders. A rider who is keyed in and prepared to tackle Old Wilunga Hill at the season-opening kangaroo fest (really) will not necessarily be able to carry that form into,…

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